KOMSOMOLEC 5B833 Gear Grinding Machine

KOMSOMOLEC 5B833 Gear Grinding Machine

The cylindrical gear grinder KOMSOMOLEC 5B833 manufactured by the USSR was built in 1981.

Technical data :
– the largest external diameter of gears: 320 mm
– smallest diameter of gears (with diameter of abrasive material 400 mm): 40 mm
– min. number of teeth on ground wheels: 12
– max. number of teeth on ground wheels: 200
– max. width of the rim of ground gears with straight teeth: 150
– min. normal gear module: 0.5 mm
– max. normal gear module: 4.0 mm
– gear wheel angle: 14-30 degrees
– max. tooth inclination angle of ground blank: + -45 degrees

Subject support:
– the maximum length of the carriage slide: 180 mm
– the largest turning angle of the bottom bracket (for grinding helical teeth): + -45 degrees
– slide of the slide by one graduation scale of the ruler: 30 min.
– bottom bracket’s turn by one non-core graduation scale: 30 sec.
– the spindle of the object: Morse 3
– upper spindle head: Morse 3

Headstock grinding wheel:
– the smallest diameter of the grinding wheel: 330 mm
– the largest diameter of the grinding wheel: 400 mm
– grinding wheel width: 63.80 mm
– grinding wheel hole diameter: 203 mm
– manual travel of the stand along the spindle axis: 100 mm

Finishing the knurling:
– the shortest distance between the axes of the knurl and the grinding wheel: 200 mm
– the largest distance between the axis of the knurl and the grinding wheel: 300 mm
– diameter of the knurl: 100 mm
– length of passage of the dressing mechanism: 100 mm
– rotation speed of the screw diameter per min. during dressing, working transition: 25
– rotation speed of the screw diameter per min. during dressing, quick transition: 50

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