KBA Rapida 104 5 Offset Machine
KBA Rapida 104-5 Bnxphyj YEAR 1992 5 COLORS Colortronic command table Alcol Vadidamp dampering MACHINE VISIBLE IN PRODUCTION
KBA Rapida 104-5 Bnxphyj YEAR 1992 5 COLORS Colortronic command table Alcol Vadidamp dampering MACHINE VISIBLE IN PRODUCTION
KBA RAPIDA 105-6 SW2 PWHA YEAR 1999 Oerhauled IN 2015 MAX SIZE 72X105CM MIN SIZE 36X52CM Pefecting 2/4 Image area: 710 × 1030 mm Speed: 15,000 copies / h Dampening alcohol baldwin system Blanket washing: automatic ink roller washing: Automatic Plate Change: Semiautomatic Dryer: IR Elthos Command table: Colortronic Softw management: Colortronic Bjqkj9c9dq varidamp (register, dampening and inking system of remote control) Registers: Axial - Circumferential - Diagonal State...
Double Sheet Control - electronic Antistatic Device on Feeder & Delivery Manuel Paper Size Adjustment (Feeder & Delivery) Automatic Paper Thickness Adjustment Automatic Blanket Washing Device Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device RPC Semi Automatic Plate Change RYOBI PCS-K Printing Control System with Touch-Screen Monitor: paper changing, cleaning, printing settings, registration, color adjustment, water control, and other operations Grafix Digitronic Plus: Powder Sprayer Grafix...
Komori L640 LX Bjkihflbyi Year: 1994 Maximum Sheet Size: 720 x 1020mm Non Stop Feeder, PQC, KMS, Presets Komorimatic, Technotrans Chiller, FAPC Automatic Plate Change ( Fully Working Highly Maintained), Automatic Blanket Roller & Impression wash, Chrome cylinders, Powder Spray, Tower Coater, IVT IR Dryer, De-curler, Non Stop Delivery
Colortronic (Remote Register control) Varidamp alcohol dampening - Baldwin refrigerator IR Dryer Eltosh Powder sprayer WEKO T77c SAPC semi automatic plate change Washing - Automatic cleaning system for rollers, cylinders and blankets Perfector 2/4 6/0 Bjk22wk08f Steel plates in feeder and delivery In working condition Without damages on cylinders and gears
Plus Version DDS Dampening Quick Action Clamps Powder Sprayer Perfecting 1/1 - 2/0 Impression Account: approx. 27 Mio. Technical Details: Number of Priniting Unit : 2 Unit Print Output Maximum : 8.000 Sheets / Hour Largest Sheet Size X : 360 mm Largest Sheet Size Y : 520 mm Min. Sheet Size X : 140 mm Min. Sheet Size Y : 105 mm Largest Print Format (X)...
CPC 1-04: Off Press Ink & Register Control CP Tronic Control System Autoplate (Automatic Plate Changing System) Alcolor Dampening Technotrans Cooling Device Grafix IR Dryer Impression Account: approx. 103 Mio. Muydt0 Fully Cleaned! High Pile Delivery Steel Plate in Feeder & Delivery Automatic Washing Devices
one color Ryobi 520HX in good condition Bgp8hixxlb
Serial number: 540930 Five colours Size 72 cm x 102 cm Impression. 413 million Equipment: - Alcolor Vario permanent fountain solution - Temperature control of the ink unit - CPC 1-04 - Remote controlled colouring Exewkloni - Autoplate - Perfection 5: 0/2: 3 - IR dryer Grafix - Blanket washing device - automatic - Paint roller washing device - automatic - Preset feeder (automatic paper size adjustment) - Antistatic...
- Varn Kompac III dampening - without perfecting - quick plate clamping - low pile delivery - plus version Bjdkcnmnk2 - powder sprayer Weko