MIKRON A 21 2 Gear hobbing machine

MIKRON A 21 2 Gear hobbing machine

with div change gears.
Max fräsbarer workpiece diameter. 40 mm (46 mm)
Max workpiece length 75 mm (110 mm)
Max Fräsbarer workpiece length 40 mm
Max fräsbares module 1
maximum cutter diameter. 32 mm (40 mm)
Max milling width 15 mm
Shifting 12 mm
Spindle Tiltable +-6°
Milling cutter speeds of 400-4800 RPM.
Radial & axial feed rates of 0-4 mm / sec.
Tailstock spindle stroke 30 mm (60 mm)
Tailstock moved 61 mm
Weight 800 kg
Accessories: coolant system, various recordings, feeder rail.
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