SeeDtec 1632 AHD Flachschleifmashchine

SeeDtec 1632 AHD Flachschleifmashchine

Surfacе Grinding Seedtec Technical Description / Specifications Capacity Maximum grinding L x W: 900 x 400 mm Max distance center to center table surface to spindle. ——————— 700 mm ————————————— table surface length 1000 mm face width 400 mm Maximum Longitudinal travel 940 mm Maximum cross travel 460 mm T-slot (no. X width) 3 x 17 mm ——————————— ———————– feeds! Table along adjustment / movement Hydraulic feed handwheel 1-25mm feed per revolution 60mm table Qürbewegung to intermittent feed 1-15 mm Qürvorschub 1200 mm / min handwheel feed per revolution 5mm scale – Enteilung the handwheel 0.02 mm ——— ———- vertical movement of the grinding headstock hand feed per revolution 0.5 mm scale – Classification of the handwheel 0.002 mm Micro-Feed (OPT) 0.001 mm rapid (50/60 Hz) 275/330 mm / min car , Extra Feed feed (15 steps) from 0.002 to 0.03 mm total height setting (MAX) 49.5 mm Performance: spindle drive motor 5.5 kW 2.2 kW motor haydrulik surface (L x W x H) 3350mm x 2114mm x 2050mm Weight (Approcimately) 3100 kg Documentation Available.

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